1. Olive Dawson, “D’Escousse Baptism Records,”
4. Samson, Charles <>, 1/9/98.
5. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, “Ancestral File (TM),” June 1998 (c), data as of 5 JAN 1998, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (TM), June 1998 (c), data as of 5 JAN 1998, Family History Library, 35 N West Temple Street.
6. Marie (Doucette) O’Brien, 11/20/97.
7. Marie (Doucette) O’Brien, 11/20/97.
8. J. Richard Lebel, “Marin Chauvin, Gillette Bonne and Jacques Bertault,” Je Me Souviens, Volume 22, Number 1, Spring 1999.
10. “Registre de L'Abbe Charles-Francois Bailly,” 1771.
11. Drouin, Blue Drouin Marriage Index.
12. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, “Ancestral File (TM),” June 1998 (c), data as of 5 JAN 1998, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Ancestral File (TM), June 1998 (c), data as of 5 JAN 1998, Family History Library, 35 N West Temple Street.
13. “Parish Marriage Record, Louisbourg - 1751,” G1, Vol. 408, Registry 1, f. 131v,
14. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, “International Genealogical Index (R),” Copyright (c) 1980, 1997, data as of February 1997, Family History Library, 35 N West Temple StreetSalt Lake City, UT 84150 USA.
15. Family History Library, 35 N West Temple StreetSalt Lake City, UT 84150 USA. Batch #: 7535105, Sheet #: 61, Source Call #: 1058106.
16. J. Richard Lebel, “Pierre Boucher,” Je Me Souviens, Volume 22, Number 1, Spring 1999.
17. “acostam.FTW,” Other, Date of Import: Jan 26, 2000.
18. “Jacob Byers of Pennsylvania and His Descendants, compiled by William Amel Sausaman,” William Abel Sausaman, 1974, Book, Pg 13.
19. “Biography by Lewis W. Hubbell, 1795,” Book, Biography by Lewis W. Hubbell.
20. “Jacob Byers of Pennsylvania and His Descendants, by William Amel Sausaman, 1974,” William Abel Sausaman, 1974, Book, Pg,1.
21. “Jacob Byers C. and his Descencants, Sausaman, 1974,” Book.
22. “Schweickhardt.FTW,” Other, Date of Import: Jan 6, 2000.
23. “schwei,” Other, Date of Import: Aug 1, 1999.
24. “Heald of Chesire England Ged.” Name: Robert W Heald, Email Address:
25. “Heald of Chesire England Ged.”
26. “Ancestral File (R),” The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Copyright (c) 1987, June 1998, data as of 5 January 1998, Book, NAME Family History Library,ADDR 35 N West Temple Street,CONT Salt Lake City, UT 84150 USA.
27. “GROVE.ged,” Other, Date of Import: Mar 3, 2000.